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Avocado Trees

Q.How Do I Protect My Avocado Tree From The Fall And Winter

Zone 30101 | brazzliej added on November 7, 2021 | Answered

It’s fine for now I cover it last nigt. November 7 because we had our first frost . I have had it for 3 years in spot inside, but this year I put it in my raise bed garden and it’s a tree.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 8, 2021

Georgia gardeners can grow dwarf avocado trees outdoors in containers, taking advantage of the long growing seasons and hot weather. Leave the container trees outdoors through much of the year but bring it inside with grow lights when cold (below 50F) as the tree is tropical and not cold hardy... which is why only container grown trees are recommended for Georgia. They can be damaged, if grown outdoors, by frosts and freezes in zones colder than 9 or 10. If you use pinching of the tips of all branches every 3 months, a dwarf avocado tree may be kept compact enough to bring indoors in winter.


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