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Coffee Plants

Q.How do I make coffee from coffee beans

Zone Monroe Township, NJ | Anonymous added on October 11, 2019 | Answered

I have about 20 coffee beans on my plant-tree. Some are now red. How do I process the beans to have coffee?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Peter B
Answered on October 11, 2019

I live in Costa Rica. Just recently I took a tour at a small coffee farm that processed its own beans. We were shown the steps from start to finish. In a nutshell, after picking your ripe (red) fruit you need to remove to outer (red) skin. Then you must clean off the pulp that surrounds the coffee bean itself. Then that bean needs to be dried by sun or a bean dryer. Once you have the greenish, dried bean you can roast it. The simplest way would be in fry pan on the stove but they sell small coffee roasters on Amazon. Since I brew my own coffee each morning after grinding the roasted beans and I can tell you that 20 roasted beans would not be enough to make even a cup of coffee. But you could at least practice cleaning the fruit by hand, drying it and do a sample roast on your cook top. Maybe next crop you´ll have enough for a large batch.

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