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Corkscrew Rush

Q.How Do I Make A Corkscrew Rush Plant Grow From Seeds?

Zone new york, ny 10031 | Anonymous added on January 20, 2021 | Answered

I bought seeds from England and they are so teenie tiny you can barely see them and was wondering how do you plant these and make them grow? this is for the corkscrew rush plant. I need help please

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 21, 2021

Corkscrew rush is usually propagated by dividing the rhizomes but it is possible to grow from seed. Sow thinly in peat-based seed growing medium. Do not cover with soil as light is beneficial to germination. Mist well so as not to disturb the seeds. Cover with plastic bag to create humidity. Once large enough to handle transplant into individual pots in bright but indirect light. Keep moist.


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