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Grape Vines

Q.How Do I Look After My Vines?

Zone SP2 8FA | trevailis added on April 26, 2020 | Answered

We moved to Salisbury last September, to a house with nine vines growing over a pergola above our patio. They are all well established (around 8 years old) and, we understand, once produced enough grapes for some wine to be made, but not last year, when they were pretty small and not many to be picked. Some are white, others black. We don’t know the varieties. How do we look after our vines please? Should we prune them? If so when and how? Should we train them along the pergola? When and how should we feed them?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 28, 2020

Typically, the exact care they receive will depend on the exact cultivar that the grapes are. Without knowing this your experience will be trial and error, mostly.

Here is an article that will give you a general idea of how to care for grapes:


This article will help you to prune them:


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