Q.How Do I Know If My Lemon Tree Is Overheated?
Thank you so much for responding to my questions regarding my miniature Meyer lemon tree. The last picture I sent, you mentioned that the branches looked like they could have been reaching. The location that it’s at gets about 6 hours of sunlight, maybe about 10 minutes less. I decided to move it yesterday around 3:00 p.m. to the other side of my pool, where it gets about 7 hours. I came home from work today at 12:00, about an hour to an hour and a half after the sun hits that area, and a few of the leaves had dried brown spots on them which weren’t there the day before, and a lot of the newer leaves were really droopy and curly. The established leaves were fine. It’s about 91 outside, so not overly hot. Could it be that it was just too hot sitting on the concrete over by my swimming pool as opposed to the dirt? It seemed to happen so quickly. I ended up moving it back to where it was

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
That can, most certainly, happen! In container it will be necessary to account for the way it heats up and isolates the tree. They do not like to be overheated. They may even drop leaves after this, but will regrow them once favorable conditions return.