Q.How do I kill poison ivy?
I was just reading how to kill weeds with salt or sugar. The spray for poison ivy is more expensive and sugar or salt would be great. Will they do the job? It grows up the side of the house. I live about 3 feet from the woods and it creeps over. Should I do it in the winter or wait until spring?

Poison ivy is a tough customer and trying to kill it with salt would take so much that it would leave the soils around it in bad shape for a long while and leech out in the soils badly. I know it is more expensive, but using the brush killing herbicides really is the way to go. You get a more centralized kill of what you really want to kill, down to the root zone. Getting it killed deep into the root zone is what is needed as otherwise it will come up with vigor in even more areas than it is currently a problem in.