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Oxalis Plant

Q.How do I kill Oxalis growing in the thyme planted between stepping stones?

Zone 93454 | Anonymous added on June 4, 2020 | Answered

I have 2 varieties of oxalis – one has purple leaves, the other green. The thyme is the ground cover between stepping stones of a path and is close to my lawn. I’ve tried pulling it (which doesn’t work). I don’t want to kill the thyme, but there isn’t enough time to keep after the oxalis. 🙂 Help?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 5, 2020

Keeping weeds out of a groundcover is indeed tricky. And oxalis has all sorts of ways to reproduce so it is almost impossible to keep up with hand pulling.

If the oxalis is in patches and not completely intertwined with the thyme, you can use a herbicide, carefully, on the oxalis. Use the foam option so as not to hit the thyme. When the oxalis is clear, you can keep it from coming back by using a garden weed preventer that is recommended to use around herbs.

Hope that helps. Here is more info about oxalis:


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