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Ti Plants

Q.How Do I Get the Brown Leaves Off My Hawaiian Ti Plant

Zone Texass | Marisa added on November 14, 2012 | Answered

My Hawaiian ti plant has 3 brown leaves. I need to know if I need to let them fall off or do some pruning to the plant.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 15, 2012

If it's just a few leaves, I wouldn't worry too much. Just remove them from the plant. I would, however, check the soil to make sure the plant isn't too dry, as browning of leaves are a good indication that it needs watering. If the browning continues, the plant may be developing a fungal issue (check for overly wet conditions and yellowing leaves as well). Neem oil is a good fungicide and will help if this is an issue.

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