Q.How Do I Get Rid of This Weird Grass Fungus?
My lawn is tall fescue and Kentukey blue combo. The fungus looks like a dried paste or vomit that is usually white and light brown or dark brown. When fungus is disturbed, a dark brown powder spreads out. I have small and large dry spots that I am sure are related as I have hand watered the spots with no results. We have had rain for 3 days last week and the dry spots have almost disappeared.
The first thing to do is to take a specimen of the fungus like stuff to a local nursery or perhaps local university horticultural extension office. Have whatever it is truly identified. They they can suggest a good fungicide that will get rid of the fungus, mold or whatever it may be. If you have no such places close by then you may want to try buying a fugicide named Immunox or one of the Ortho fungicides and apply it per the instructions on the label and see if it gets rid of it.