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Hyacinth Plant

Q.How Do I Get Rid of the White Moldy Stuff in My Plant Soil

Sandy1995 added on December 4, 2012 | Answered

How do I get rid of the white moldy stuff in my plant soil?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 5, 2012

Try sprinkling the top of the soil with cinnamon. Cinnamon is a natural funicide.

Also, it might be caused by one of several things.

Potting soild should be purchased by a "greenhouse" that grows their plant material. Buy the soil they grow in. All potting soils are NOT created equally! A commercial peatlite potting soil media should not have mold spores.

Are you keeping the plant really wet? Sometimes this happens. Let the plant dry slightly between waterings.

Is the top of the soil getting any light and/or air ventilation? No light and stagnant air will help mold grow.

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