Q.How do I get rid of the sticky substance on my carpet from a schefflera
My schefflera plant is dripping a sticky substance. From what I have read it is something called honeydew from an insect. I put the plant outside to let the rain wash it off. I read that you can also spray it with soapy water. The problem is the substance has made our carpet sticky and also some of my granddaughter’s toys. I want to know how to clean these items off.

Yes, you are right about the honeydew. The insect is probably scale, or less likely aphids; getting rid of them is the same. Here's an article on controlling these pests: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/scale-bug-how-to-control-plant-scale.htm
Washing with hose spray is a good first measure. After that, spray your control mixture (I like soap and water,) making sure to spray up onto the undersides of the leaves. Spray till the plant is dripping. You'll need to spray once a week for four weeks to kill all the insects - this is more important than the mixture you use.
Fortunately, the sticky honeydew is easy to remove with soap and water, so if you wash the toys with that, and the rug also, you should be fine. Consult the rug manufacturer's directions to make sure of the correct washing procedure.