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Q.How Do I Get Over the Fear of Worms?

Anonymous added on November 3, 2014 | Answered

I love plants and gardens, but I am deathly terrified of worms and snakes.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 9, 2015

Just let one or a even a few slime and wiggle around in your hand. Then slowly bring your hand closer and closer to your eyes. Then there you have it, fear faced. Worms won't and can't hurt you.

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Answered on November 4, 2014

Well, this is a bit outside the usual questions on horticultural matters. Of course, the only meaningful answer is to get professional help. The fear of worms, and the fear of snakes, have several different names, and are both clinical conditions. The best advice I can give is to look for support groups and therapists who specialize in phobias.

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