Q.How do I get more avocados on my tree?
Tree is about 4/5 years old, but had more fruit in the years before (like 25 compared with 10 now). I know, still young, but I want to do the best I can. Not sure about the type of avocado, green, rather smooth and large pear-shaped fruit, light green inside, very creamy. I live in Ecuador, and the tree was bought here, so the climate will not be the problem. Thank you!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The first consideration is good drainage of water away from the base of the tree, if not planted in soil that drains well. Avocado trees are highly susceptible to "crown rot" if they stay too wet at the base. If too wet they can develop root rot and that would begin to limit growth and fruit production. Your volcanic soil should drain well and be rich in trace minerals.
Provide good soil fertility with plenty of compost mulch on the soil surface throughout the root zone (under the entire foliar canopy and a little further, but not up against the trunk). Fertilize with a slow release complete organic fertilizer or well aged/composted manure in spring and fall.
This article has some good tips on growing avocado, the soil fertility and water management will help with flower and fruit production.