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Boston Fern Plants

Q.how to force Boston Ferns into dormancy

Zone Raleigh/Durham area in NC. | drjon added on October 26, 2015 | Answered

I have several large Boston Ferns, which I hang from the porch ceiling during the warm season. They are too large to keep inside as the full plant. I’d like to force them into dormancy, clip the fronds, and store them inside until spring. Would you guide me on how to do that? Thanks….

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 27, 2015

The cooler weather and shorter sunlight hours have all ready started to signal the plant to slow it's growth.
Cut way back on the watering and give the plants a good short pruning. I like to cut the entire fern back to about 3 or 4 inches.
The link below will help you with the best location for wintering.


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