Q.How Do I Cope With Wisteria?
I have just moved to a house with a mature Wisteria against the side wall. I am a complete gardening novice and the wisteria has not been maintained by the previous tenant. It has completely outgrown the fixings on the wall and has a long new growth against the base of the wall. It needs tying back, pruning and training but I don’t know where to start. It has just started to flower so I’m not sure whether to leave it until the flowering has finished. Help please.
this link will take you to a page of articles about wisteria, the first is about pruning: http://www.google.com/cse?cx=012078378210706707791%3Af1h5n_k1r5e&ie=UTF-8&q=prune+wisteria&oq=prune+wisteria&gs_l=partner.3..0l3j0i5l5j0i8.784.4769.0.5992.