Q.How do I bring my Ivy plant back to life!
It was left outside in a car overnight & temperatures got below freezing. Now my plant is droopy! What do I do?
First of all, this is not ivy, it's a pothos. If you try to look up information on ivy, you'll be very confused. A common name for pothos is devil's ivy, but ivy and pothos are in completely different families, much like alligators and horses.
Anyway, to answer you question about your pothos, most of the leaves are probably goners, but only time will tell if the roots were killed. I would place the plant in a spot with moderate light, make sure the soil is lightly damp but not wet, and allow it to rest until you can see if any leaves are living. Cut off leaves that are brown or withered, and if whole vines go, cut those off back to the soil. If there's life in the roots, they should sprout new leaves in a few weeks. If the roots were frozen, nothing you can do.