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Hyacinth Plant

Q.30 Percent Bolting

Anonymous added on April 25, 2015 | Answered

How come on an acre of land I find up to 30 percent bolting? Ok, onions tend to bolt because of some kind of stress, so how come not all onions bolt sometimes? If they are in the same garden, they have got the same stress and they all tend to bolt. How come on an acre of land I find up to 30% bolting? Even if I did my best to avoid stress and nature was relatively kind!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 27, 2015

It typically takes two growing seasons for onions to bolt and if some onions were planted later, they could be on a different time-line - perhaps a small percentage of the onions in the field even reseeded themselves. Onions can be prematurely spurred into bolting by temperatures. However, it is also triggered by damage from cultivation or other stresses which may account for why some plants are bolting sooner than others.

For more information on bolting onions, please visit the following link:

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