Q.How Can We Nourish Our Italian Cyprus Trees Back To Life?
We have about 50 Italian Cyprus trees lined up in a row in our back yard in Los Angeles, which blocks the view from the apartment behind us. We planted the these trees about 20 years ago and they are full grown. Unfortunately we neglected to water them for a while, as there was illness in the family, and it just skipped our minds. We noticed that about 6 trees on the left side of the property are almost completely brown—with the needles dried out—but we want to try to salvage them if possible. Please see attached pictures. We want to know the best way to heal these trees: How much water do we give them and how often? Is there any fertilizer or plant food we can give them and how often? Any other advise? Thank you!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, damage this severe will mean replacing the tree.
Watering will consist of testing the soil down to about 3 or 4 inches, and once dry down to that depth they can be watered.
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