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Apricot Trees

Q.How Can I Treat Gumosis Of Apricot Plant?

Zone 193504 | Mystery.tanveer added on April 24, 2020 | Answered

The plant is almost 5 years old, it is fruit bearing plant, currently it has a lot of fruit on it of pea size. I noticed that some branches has started to dry from upper side, so I contacted many experts they advised me to spray systematic fungicide and remove affected branches, which I did. After few days I went to see its condition, it looks fine, then I touched it’s branch and it felt like something spongy is under its skin, then I had close look and it seemed to me as if it is gum under the skin that is making it spongy. Now I want you to please help me in treating the plant.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 27, 2020

It is part of the infection that is causing the gummosis. Gummosis is a broad term that describes any number if afflictions that can cause sap leaking.

Depending on the infection, it may not be able to be cured, but only managed if done perfectly.

If you have treated with the proper fungicide for the exact disease with no luck, then it may not be curable. Some tree diseases are permanent similar to some human diseases.

I would contact your local extension service if you have not tested to see which disease that your tree has, exactly. In some cases, without knowing this information, it will be near impossible to cure the tree.

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