Q.How Can I Tell If A Plant Reproduces By Seed Or A Rhizome Like An Aspen Tree?
I am moving from an alpine desert area (south central Colorado) to a more mountain area. I want to pot a small sage bush that is growing in my garden area with several more mature sage bushes to take with me. I think the sage is produced by a ryzone because there are several other sages around this small one. My husband is afraid the sage will spread seed and root. I love the smell of our wild sage around our house and would like to take a piece with me. I do not know what kind of sage it is. I hope you can help me.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The native sage bush in Colorado does have lateral roots as well as a deep taproot so it may be hard to dig up unless you get a small one. To avoid reseeding, just cut off the flowers after they fade. Here is more: