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Hibiscus Plants

Q.How Can I Save My Hibiscus?

Zone California, north | Lacameron1214 added on October 16, 2011 | Answered

A hibiscus plant that may have been damaged by contractors rinsing something into the soil about a month ago. All leaves are yellow and wilting. Buds bloomed briefly but not as usual. I’m afraid it’s going to die.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 17, 2011

If there was something placed into the soil, the best thing you can do is work to wash it back out. Increase watering to the damaged soil. You will want to flood the area at least once a week. This will help leach away whatever harmful chemical was put in the soil.

This will, unfortunately, put the plant at risk for root issues. But as hibiscus tend to be hardy, it should be able to handle it ok. Good luck!

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