Q.How Can I Revive My Stone Pine Sapling?
I have a small Italian stone pine or umbrella pine sapling, about a foot tall, in s pot. I Live in the Pacific Northwest, and I think I put it outside too soon in the spring, as all the needles have turned brown or dry. How can I revive it? Should I prune it?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
They are hardy to zone 8, which you are, but cold air or wind will cause needles to turn brown. Also, since you had it indoors, which they don't tolerate for long, pull it up slighty and check its roots for rot. If they are brown instead of light tan, rinse the roots in water and clip off dark roots; then repot.
With proper care, the needles should green up. It needs well draining soil in full sun. See the articles below for more care: