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Q.How can I regenerate the roots of a bay Laurel tree that was cut down in 1954?

Zone Zone 9 and/or 10 | Anonymous added on May 22, 2020 | Answered

Oddly enough, in the past 2 years I have found 2 baby Bay Laurel trees in a garden in which I know for sure that a full-grown one was removed back in 1954. Happily, one of the babies has survived and is very content, thriving in its own little pot. I lost the other one 🙁 . I plan eventually to take cuttings from this one little tree but am waiting until it is older and stronger. I am curious to discover if anyone out there in gardening land thinks these 2 little trees of mine sprouted from pooped-out seed from a bird or do you think they sprouted from the old roots of the long-gone parent tree? Also, could Bay Laurel seeds have survived after all these years in this garden (it is a tiny semi-forest) and somehow germinated? I’m a greedy green-thumber and want to sprout more trees!! Many thanks in advance for your time and advice.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 25, 2020

What likely has happened is that another Laurel somewhere close by, or even from miles away, has seeds that have made their way into your yard. This can happen from birds, squirrels, or any other seed consuming animal.

Here is an article that will help you care for what you do have:

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