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Chinese Fringe Flowers

Q.pruning fringe tree down

Zone north east Indiana not know the zone area! | acsieb added on May 17, 2015 | Answered

How can I keep a fringe tree down to lower size, not a tall tree, and how to trim down the sides as not to have a large spread? This is our first tree of this sort and our yard is so it can’t take anything real tall or overgrown. That’s why I would like to know how to prune it down and keep it sort of low!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 17, 2015

A Fringe tree (Chionanthus virginicus) can reach heights and spreads between 12-20 feet. Fringe trees actually require very little pruning since they naturally keep good form. Any pruning that is done should be done after the tree flowers or goes dormant. As for reducing the height - you will not be able to reduce the height by topping the tree as this is detrimental to the tree's health and vitality and will shorten its life span. More information on tree topping can be found in the following article:

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