Q.How Can I Best Prune My Established Koreanspice Viburnum After Flowering This Year?
I am confused about where and how much I can cut back for the purpose of controlling its size and shape. My understanding is I can use both heading and pinching? I have read it is best to leave heavy pruning in dormant season and only lightly prune after flowering.Thank you!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yes, so you can prune a few inches of the tips of the branches, or up to 1/3 of the branch right as flowering is ending. This is right as spring is starting. Ideally, you want to catch it before the new, vegetative, growth starts for the spring. You can apply the same to pinching.
Now would be a good time to do so, it looks like.
Once you get back to dormancy, you can take much more of the plant and will be more forgiving of large pruning. You can use these as new cutting, for new starts, as well.
This article will help you to take new starts from your shrub: