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Xeriscape Landscaping

Q.How Can I Assure Grass Roots Are Dead, In Order To Xeriscape A Former Lawn?

Zone Boulder, CO - zone 4 | Anonymous added on May 28, 2021 | Answered

We have dug out all our sod from the last of our front lawn by hand, protecting the locust tree roots running through, and are preparing to create a new landscape with rocks and small evergreen plants, some thyme and vinca. The space is only about 15′ by 15′ (about 300 sq. ft). I would appreciate your suggestions for killing the grass roots, preferably without using toxic chemicals.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 4, 2021

There are no guarantees, but a great way to really kill grass for good is solarization. Boiling water may be a daunting undertaking, but it works, as well. This article will give you some ideas:

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