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Plant Identification


Zone 54806 | njoy5729 added on March 6, 2017 | Answered

I have a houseplant that I originally bought from a lady selling them in little cups for $1.00 years ago. I have no idea what plant this is or how to care for it. It multiplies rapidly, and the little bulbs break off all the time.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 7, 2017

I am not sure what this plant is, but it looks like it is overly crowded in the pot. To improve its health and neaten up the appearance, try removing it from its pot, dividing it into three sections, and placing one of the sections back in the pot with fresh soil. You can give the two other sections their own pots or throw them out. The plant will likely need less water after you divide it, since it will be smaller, so water only when the soil surface is dry.

As for general care, there are some articles on this site that might help. Here are a few:

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