Q.Houseplant Dying!
I am house sitting and was told to water the plants every other day (2 cups). I was following the instructions but I cannot tell if the plants are overwatered or Underwatered. Please help! Thank you!
Below is a picture of the plant currently.

Typically, wilting plants means they're lacking water. This year, with the high temperatures in many areas, many plants are requiring more water than usual. This plant doesn't appear to be burned or yellow or damaged in any way, so a best guess is that it simply needs more water to help it survive the heat.
Put your finger into the soil down to your first knuckle. If it doesn't feel moist, water with about half a cup -- this should be in addition to the regularly-scheduled waterings you've been doing. Make sure it's not left in direct hot sun for long periods of time.
If the leaves start turning yellow, that means it's getting too much water, so at that point you would let it dry completely out before watering again.
Here's an article you can refer to: