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Angel Wing Begonias

Q.house plants

Zone 65351 | Anonymous added on November 12, 2018 | Answered

I started my angel wing begonia from a cutting and it flourished on the patio my problem is when I brought it in because winter was approaching all it’s leaves fell off now I have healthy stocks but that’s all is it dieing or sick ? Can u help please

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 26, 2018

I am sure you all have heard of the fiddle leaf fig tree also known as the ficus lyrata. They have a reputation of being beautiful and also quite difficult to keep alive. A dying or dead fiddle leaf can leave you a bit heartbroken. Those beautiful leaves start to drop and it's a pitiful process to witness.

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Answered on November 13, 2018

There are such a lot of cool indoor flora in fashion in the intervening time, however, the Fiddle Leaf Fig has sincerely made a come returned. These flora are all the rage in the intervening time with it’s attractive, large sleek leaves. It makes a beautiful centerpiece in any indoor space. https://www.courseworkempire.co.uk/marketing-coursework

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