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Horseradish Plants


Anonymous added on December 20, 2014 | Answered

I recently was given some horseradish plants (i.e. just the leaves with a few roots, not the long hard part of the plant). I have planted them in the house in a deep container. My question is, will these grow into a proper horseradish plant, as at the moment the leaves have grown from maybe 1 centimeter to at least 6 to 8 centimeters. I have looked on the internet but only find the long hard root advertised.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 22, 2014

They will develop long roots like you have seen in the pictures, but it may take them 1-2 years to do so. In my own garden, I often lop the tops off the long roots that I harvest and replant them in my horseradish patch. They grow just fine; they just need a little more time to develop the kind of roots that you can harvest. If you are seeing growth from the leaves, this means the plant is happy and growing. Eventually it will produce the roots you are looking for.

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