Q.Horse Chestnut Tree
All the leaves have dried and fallen from our horse chestnut tree (it’s a very tall and old tree). But the tips of about a half dozen branches (out of hundreds of branches) have leafed out greenly as if it were spring, and one of the branches even has flowers! Never saw this before. What’s up? (I doubt if this is the answer, but the branches in question are relatively close to a area where we’ve burned wood for cookouts). Thanks.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You may be more spot on than you realize! the fire may have something to do with the leaves falling off, AND something to do with tricking the tree into feeling those warmer conditions associated with spring, or summer conditions. I don't believe that this is much of a concern, but if it does something strange in the springtime, we can revisit the situation, and find a solution from there.