Q.honeysuckle vines
We moved and now have a beautiful climbing honeysuckle flower vine. The flowers are white trumpets that turn yellow before falling off. When is the best time to prune in the year, how is this done properly and how often? It is growing on a trellis. I noticed that there are some old/dead vines intertwined, too. Just found your website and I love it already. Attractive lay-out and is much appreciated that you have taken the time to think this through rather than throw something together. Quite informative from what I see, thus far!
Vine species of honeysuckle can become invasive if not controlled and require regular shearing. Pruning honeysuckle vine is generally done in the fall or winter, when the honeysuckle plant is dormant. If your honeysuckle vine has been left untamed, don’t worry about giving it a good heavy prune. The vine will pop back up again in the spring.
Remove a significant portion of the upper branches when you prune. This may be difficult because they will be intertwined. It is even possible to prune them to within a foot or two of the ground. Pruning to remove only one-third to one-half of the branches at the top of the vine, you should have less vigorous vegetative growth. Leaving some of the older growth will allow the vines to produce their fragrant flowers this summer.