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Q.Homemade Remedy Against Bugs for Roses and Gardenias

Anonymous added on July 5, 2011 | Answered

How can I make a homemade remedy to ward of various bugs from my rose bushes and gardenia bushes? What about a homemade fertilizer for both, and how often should I feed new bushes and bare root plants?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 5, 2011

Ortho Bug B Gon Max and their Eco Friendly Insecticidal Soap Spray is about the only reliable remedy. If the problems with bugs is light, then the insecticidal soap is fine. Homemade fertilizer types can get the nutrients needed out of balance and cause more harm than good. Vigoro Rose Food from Home Depot and Miracle Gro Multipurpose fertilizer twice a year is adequate. Here is a link about feeding roses that should help:

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