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Holly Bushes

Q.Holly Turned to Tree

Anonymous added on August 1, 2011 | Answered

I have a 15 foot (high) by 12 foot (wide) Holly (not sure what type), which is shaped like a Christmas tree and only has holly leaves on the outside 6-7 inches (diameter about 10-11 inches). Also, overgrown is a Wisteria, which is 12 ft by 20 ft. I live in northeast PA. and am looking to possibly trim back hard. On, Holly I’d like to take about 4-5 feet off the bottom and leave the Christmas tree like crown. For Wisteria, maybe trim back to the core of about 4 feet in diameter. What do you suggest, or should I take them both out?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 3, 2011

I trimmed a big holly bush to become a standard - just use a sharp sheers and cut close to the main trunk. I don't know much about wisteria - don't grow them because I have a small yard. Here is a video link that will show you what to do.

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