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Holly Bushes

Q.Holly bushes

Zone Titusville, Florida | dwoodrum3 added on January 31, 2018 | Answered

I want to buy some holly bushes for my yard but I don’t know the correct species name, and I don’t know where to buy them.

The ones I want have the “prickly leaves” and red berries (the “traditional” Christmas holly). The ones I want only grow about three feet high. I had some in my yard when I lived in Houston, Texas and they were beautiful and required no maintenance. Now I live in Florida and want to get some for my yard but I don’t know the correct name nor where to buy them. Can you help?

Thank you so much!

Dolores Woodrum

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 1, 2018

There are many very short holly species, but a very common one is called Carissa. The most common is called Rotunda. These will both remain short, with the Rotunda being much more prickly.

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