Q.Holes On Tea Rose, Mint, Hibiscus.
Holes on Leaves of Tea Roses, Mint, Hibiscus. I can see a lot of Damage on Tea Rose. What product can I use and how? Does the placement of the plants matter? Mint is near hibiscus and basil. But basil seems to be ok.

Look for beetles, caterpillars and other pests (you may need to also check at night). Some hide under the leaves, in the soil and under rocks. There was nothing visible in the picture (top of leaves only) so if the problem has stopped, the pest may have already left. If you capture the culprit, you can take a sample to your local garden center for identification using a sealed, transparent plastic bad. Once you know what it is, you can ask for a list of organic and chemical counter measures. Note: it is time for Japanese Beetles in some of the northern states.