Q.Hisbiscus Leaves Are Turning Yellow
When I bought the plant it had many buds and now the buds dry out without blooming and the leaves are also turning yellow

Many things can trigger yellowing of leaves and most are environmental changes: lack of sunlight (needs 6+ hours of direct sun), pruning, too much fertilizer, sudden change of soil moisture content (dry or soggy soil), high temperatures and-or use of chemicals on the plant or nearby.
Buds drop can also happen for similar conditions: lack of water or inconsistent watering, not enough sunlight, transplanting, very hot temperatures (above 35C) or an infestation by thrips or aphids. The most common reasons are transplanting, lack of water and insects. However, I noticed that your plant was in shade when the picture was taken so make sure it gets at least 6+ hours of direct sunlight.