Q.Hibiscus plant
I bought a gorgeous one in the spring, had it on the patio all summer then brought it into the sun porch (unheated) and it was still absolutely stunning. I moved it into the living room once the temps started to drop, and it did well for about two weeks. A few days ago, its leaves started turning brown and dropping like crazy. It truly looks like it’s dying and I don’t know what to do about it. Someone told me to put it in the heated basement and “ignore” it for the winter. I’d truly appreciate your advice! Thanks so much in advance.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It is very common for hibiscus and other plants brought indoors to lose some leaves (or a lot of leaves) due to the lower light levels indoors. It will still be happier in your living room than in your basement; in fact the more natural and/or artificial light you can give it, the happier it will be. If it does lose all its leaves, then you can let it go dormant in a cool room by stopping watering.