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Hibiscus Plants


Anonymous added on June 5, 2015 | Answered

I grow Hibiscus that come back every year, not just the tropical kind that are grown in pots. I have always had them from starts from friends. Well, I moved and went and bought some more from a nursery this time. For some reason, I’m having the hardest time with them. They tend to keep falling over like the stalks are not getting strong enough for them, but I have never had this problem in the past. Why is this happening? Is it cause they are not super mature? (I guess is the word I’m looking for) What can I do to make the stalks stronger so they don’t keep doing this? Like I said, I have grown them for long time before but it was plants that was given to me to replant and never had a problem with them. I love them, but don’t particularly like to have to stake them up, but is this my only option till they get a stronger stalk?

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Answered on June 7, 2015
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