I have a Hibiscus bush/tree that I got when it was a small plant. It grew to be a beautiful lush bush in a couple of years. Back in March or April of this year we had a torrential rain and the tree fell forward. I was able to put it back into place but little by little lost most of its leaves. It is still alive and blooming but there is hardly anymore leaves left. Would it ever go back to normal again? It is sad to see this. You can also see my Mandevilla blooming in this picture from the end of March that is also very weak now from the heat this summer. I have a different post on this subject.
Thank you,
Heavy rain, followed by the uprooting was stressful to the plant and it reacted by dropping leaves.
Make sure the plant receives adequate moisture. You should treat it like a new planting. Daily water for the first two weeks, then you can cut back.