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Hibiscus Plants


Zone 28806 | KenLynn added on August 21, 2012 | Answered

I have several Hibiscus bushes but one has recently started looking like the leaves are wilting. I dug down into the soil and found hundreds of tiny blue bead looking things all through the soil. What can it be? Maybe something from the bag of potting soil I put in my large container in the spring? It has done very well since March until just the past week or so. Could this be my problem? Help. . . I don’t want to lose this one. It’s my only yellow one. Thank you so very much for your assistance.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 4, 2012

The blue beads are fertilizer capsules in the potting soil. They dissolve over time and are what makes the soil "time released" with fertilizer.

Potting soil can sometimes dry out to the point where it actually repels water. I would try flooding the container to make sure that the soil is properly hydrated and ready to take water in.

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