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Peach Trees

Q.Hi! My name is Michael! I live on the Central coast! I have a peach tree about 2m tall with no obvious signs of disease. Up until

Zone Lake Macquarie | pottsy20867 added on December 19, 2018 | Answered

yesterday the tree looked very healthy! Just overnight the tips are wilting and the leaves are falling off! We have had a lot of rain the last week! Might that be a problem? Thankyou?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 21, 2018

If mine I would prune out the infected tips in order to limit further spore dispersal to healthy foliage. And I would use a biological fungicide as a preventive barrier for further infection.
As a California arborist I don't know your local resources, but Double Nickel Bio-fungicide-bactericide from Certis USA is a good one if you can get it. Or something similar.

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Answered on December 21, 2018

Sorry, my answer was distorted and sent prematurely.
It should have said that from your description of the conditions, I suspect a fungal leaf disease as a result of rain/wind transmission of spores.
It appears as if "peach leaf curl", but lacks the characteristic red-orange discoloration, so it may be another disease.

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Answered on December 21, 2018

From the photo and your descriastion of a heavy rainy period, I suspect a fungal leaf disee pdue to spore transmission with the wet conditions.

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