Q.Hi I have a Camellia which I grew from a seedling it is healthy but has never flowered.Its been at least 6 years.I have pot ashed a
nd tried all natural ferts?Thanks Vicki About how to get a seedling Camelia to flower?

Is you plant inside or outside at present? The camellia will do best outside on a shady area with bright diffused light with only early morning or late afternoon direct sunlight. If you have heavy frost or snow you will probably have to bring the plant in for the winter. Camellias are acid loving plants so using an acidic fertilizer will be of help. I see you used potash. This encourages root development and some budding, but you might try something with a good amount of phosphorous and potash in the product. Phosphorous is generally required in most plants for bloom development. Make sure if you are using organic products that it is actually accessible to the plant. If you have a pH meter check to see that the soil is on the acidic side. Azaleas, Camellias, Rhododendrons, Gardenias, and Ferns are all examples of acid loving plants.