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Hyacinth Plant

Q.growing a better lemon tree

Zone Hong Kong - sub-tropical | poadesign added on March 2, 2014 | Answered

Hi, I am Sylvia and I live in Hong Kong. I have bought a lemon tree in a pot for almost a year. It had pretty good harvest at the beginning and we regularly put fertilizer. However this year, it just seems to have lots of flowers but no fruit. I just wonder if I should clip off some of the flowers because they are probably taking up all the nutrients. Please kindly advise.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 4, 2014

It needs to be pollinated. Since it sounds like yours is in a container, it probably does not have access to pollinators. So you need to be the pollinator for it. It is very easy. Just take a small paintbrush and swirl it around the inside of the flowers. Don't pollinate all of the flowers, as the plant produces more flowers than it can handle if they all become fruit. Just do a few per branch.

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