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Basil Plants

Q.Herbs and spices

Zone Frankston, TX 75763 | Gigi Selman added on October 27, 2017 | Answered

I have several pots of herbs. Basil, Parsley, Peppermint, Spearmint, ect. I live in East Texas. Can I leave them out in the open for winter, or do I need to take them inside?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 27, 2017

It will be fine to leave them out. The mint is best kept in a container, as they will quickly take over any area you plant it in very fast. Basil is treated as an annual here, and you will more than likely have to replant each season. There are ways to keep it alive for longer, but it is much easier to replant each season. Parsley is the same way. Either way, the mint will be the one to survive. All mints are unusually invasive. To keep the basil and parsley for longer you can bring them inside, and continue to care for them. Remove any flower spikes that emerge.

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