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Hens And Chicks Plants

Q.Hens and chicks Cactus

Zone Reno, NV | ringels added on July 25, 2013 | Answered

My hen & chicks cacti have these tall flowering shoots. Are these flowers or seeds? What do I do with them? They are there for weeks now, but green round little circles, not flowers yet. Will it turn into seeds? Or are only the babies for multiplying? If they are seeds, then I would have trillions of them.

I also have bush/plant in my backyard. I do not know what it is. Can I send pictures of it to you so you could tell me what it is? I have so many questions, and I am so glad I found you. I love gardening now so very much. Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 26, 2013

Hello 'ringels'. Your "Hens & Chicks" are blooming. When a sempervivium blooms, that particular rosette will die. This is what they do. The blooms obviously should produce seed, but I don't know how viable those seed would be.

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