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Hens And Chicks Plants

Q.Hens and chicks

Zone 46740 | Beverly Browning added on May 17, 2017 | Answered

What do they look like when they sprout from seeds? Mine look like young grass shooting up? Not very big. Do you have a picture you can text to my phone? 2602514594/thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 18, 2017

No, they have little tiny round leaves. You could have contaminated soil.
I found this link that has a seedling image.

It would be wonderful if every plant or tree we every planted was successful, but sometimes that is not the case.
Starting with well cared for nursery stock helps and then mother nature plays a very large part.

Light, sandy soil is preferred for this shrub. Well draining soil is very important. Watering new planting is very important in the first few weeks and then you can generally taper off.

Most reputable garden centers offer a guarantee or replacement of plants that perish in the first year of planting.

Here is a link to refresh you on the care requirements.


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