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Clematis Plants

Q.Help With Separation Of Rooted Clematis Lanuginosa

Zone Middlesex County. Dracut Massachusetts | Anonymous added on May 24, 2022 | Answered

I would like to give some of these plants to a friend to regrow in his garden what is the best way 2 take some already planted flowers without killing the entire Vine from 1 Garden to another one I’m only going to take one or two Vines from my garden 2 have him grow and flourish this plant without any problems I need to know when is the best time 2 uproot and transplant also the best way and if I do separate the Vine should they be dormant flowers how far down I should cut into the vine without killing all the flowers and should I immediately transplant the recently cut Vines

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 26, 2022

The best time to divide a clematis is always while it's still dormant or just prior to it coming out of dormancy. That would be in very early spring or late winter. This involves digging up the plant's roots and gently separating them, which shouldn't hurt the plant. Newly divided plants should be quickly returned to the soil. There are videos online that demonstrate this technique.

But, if you want to take cuttings and root them yourself, you can do so now or in early summer. Here's an article that may help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/vines/clematis/propagate-clematis-cuttings.htm

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