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Angel Wing Begonias

Q.Help with indoor angel wing plant?

Zone 78609 | Anonymous added on January 4, 2018 | Answered

My angel wing is very spindly (very few leaves) The vines are about 24 inches long with only 3 or 4 leaves per branch. The leaves have always been a pretty darkish red. I have tried moving it to better light but it does not get more leaves. My friend’s (that I got a start from)looks more like a bush. How can I get this plant to grow more leaves? I want to keep it as a house plant

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 5, 2018

Plants usually become spindly because they are not receiving enough light. It can help to place your plant outdoors during the summer and bring it indoors in winter. Another option is to purchase a grow light with a CFL or LED bulb intended for growing plants.

Another way to make your plant more bushy is to prune it back. Cut the branches to the desired length just above a health bud, so the plant can grow back from that point. You can remove up to 2/3 of the angel wing begonia's total size at any one

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