Q.Help With Growing A Beautiful Gardenia!
I have recently (since April) been growing 2 gardenias I propagated from a flower bouquet. I have been successful at keeping them alive and growing multiple leaves! I did have a mild gnat problem but I was able to eradicate them completely thanks to Mosquito Bits. I have been fertilizing them recently with Miracle Gro Plant Food for Acidic Loving Plants (once a week, although I might just do this 2 times per month because I dont want to overdue it), I also lightly mist them daily and they receive a full watering once each week so they are well hydrated throughout the week. I live in Miami and I’ve made sure these gardenias are in a spot where they receive plenty of indirect light and wind. Long term these babies will go indoors, but thats to be decided later on. I wanted to see if any of you had any suggestions if I should repot these lovely plants? I placed 2 stalks in the vase and I want to make sure they grow into a beautiful small/medium bush. They have been together since I moved them from all water to soil at the end of May. I also wanted to know when I would start seeing flower buds? Im a bit anxious and hopeful that they will someday bloom (hopefully next year?) Any tips on how to continue taking care of them would greatly be appreciated! From the photos, the first one was when I moved them from the water container I had them to soil. The remaining photos are recent – sadly one of the stalks did not make it but the other 2 seem to be striving!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You should, definitely, split those up before they grow together. That will create an entirely new set of problems, which may leave you with two dead plants over time. (Or at the very least 1 dead and 1 struggling.)
Repotting them will just mean pulling them out, gently shaking away the soil and putting them each in their own containers in to fresh soil.
These articles will help you to care for the plants so that they will bloom for you: